Saturday, February 10, 2018

Snow Day (Whether I Want It or Not)

Inspirational song: Vacation (The Go-Gos)

I had a very busy day planned. I was supposed to take care of several things around the house early, then drive down to Denver to meet someone to arrange a project for her. Then I was going to spend the evening hours at a movie night with friends and family. Almost none of this happened, and I'm a little disappointed at how little I was able to accomplish. After a really crummy week, I was ready to push myself to be active like a mostly normal person. I defeated negative self talk. I psyched myself up to drive on slick roads in occasionally quite heavy snow. But it was those very same slick, snowy roads that killed it all in the end. My 2 o'clock meeting called me at noon to postpone. Shortly after, a two week delay was posted in the movie night invitation. With all of my reasons to leave the house canceled, my motivation to do anything at all went away. From then on, the day was a bust. I still managed to put away laundry, and to go out to dinner, but that last part was mostly because three of us were hungry, no one wanted to cook, and I had a gift card from Christmas that matched exactly what we all wanted to eat. And thus, I found my one big adventure for the whole day.

I know I've been very positive about snow days in the past. When I need a break, they are a godsend. I like it best when there's more than a foot of snow, and the whole town feels shut down. That wasn't what we had today. There was at most a finger's depth of snow, and even as cold as it was, the roads were mostly clear. And I had my break earlier in the week, not on purpose. I was limp for days, wondering whether it was a new proliferation of the Epstein-Barr virus that makes up about 20% of my body by volume.  (Yes, I'm exaggerating, but only because it's indistinguishable from truth.) Yesterday I perked up, and I wanted to feel productive. I need to grab those days when I can. They're so rare now.

The Mr suggested to the kids to go sledding tomorrow before the snow all melts. That sounds like so much fun, but I know I have no business trying it at this point. Frolicking on downhill runs where wipeouts are possible (probable) is as dead to me now as meals with gluten are. Maybe by next winter, if the new meds have had a positive impact on my pain levels (and reversed the weight gain like the studies say), I'll leap on a toboggan a few times. Until then, tomorrow's view will look a lot like what I stared at all day today. See photo.

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