Friday, February 23, 2018


Inspirational song: Eve of Destruction (Barry McGuire)

I backed out of attending a protest today. I was invited, and really thought I would go. It was aimed at our senator, Cory Gardner, who is one of the top recipients of money from the NRA in Congress. With the massive political awakening of the teenagers of America, who are fed the F up with their schoolmates being shot up by other current and former students who have easy access to weapons, there was a group of Coloradans who decided now was a good time to send a message to Senator Gardner regarding this issue. I suspect the fact that it was on a Friday morning, on a day snow was expected, kept turnout modest, to right around a hundred people. It would have been a hundred and one, if I hadn't been overdoing it and in desperate need of a restful day. My friend and my husband did go, however. As a consolation for skipping out on them, I offered up some leftover poster board I had from last summer's Rotary picnic, and white paint to go on it. My friend decided her painting skills weren't up to the task, so I painted her sign for her. It was my way of protesting by proxy. I was super proud when she found an online article of the protest, with a picture of them from behind, with the sign I painted prominently featured. We're internet famous! Woohoo!

My kid resigned from her job recently, even though she hadn't found full-time employment closer to home at the time. While she searches for the right position for where she wants to be at this point in her career arc, she signed up with one of those app-based ride sharing services as a driver. Mr S-P didn't get a teaching slot this semester, and thought, hey, that would be a great time-sink, and it would pay a lot better than sitting around, drinking coffee and playing video games. His mountain climbing truck would not be appropriate for this sort of driving gig, so he borrowed my car to get established in it. I haven't driven my car a single time in three days. I dread seeing the odometer when I go to a house showing tomorrow.

So two of my family members were driving strangers all around the greater metro area (mostly in Boulder, but not exclusively). I had to get to the pharmacy before 6 pm tonight. I had no car of my own. I messaged both of them for a ride. Neither one of those poopyheads was close enough to come get me just long enough so I could get the pills I needed immediately. I think I have found a second chance to protest today. Thanks to them, I had to layer up and brave the cold to go to the pharmacy on foot instead. I sent them a picture, and whined, "I had to walk uphill both ways! In the snow!" And then I admitted, okay, it was completely level there and back, and the snow was still pretty light even as I returned (though it was heavy in Boulder at the time.) How dare they force me to walk nearly as far as I would have if I had gone this morning to the rally in Denver. Oh, the humanity.

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