Thursday, January 9, 2014


Inspirational song: Faithfully (Journey)

Apparently there were a lot of delays at Dulles International Airport today. The man landed early this morning, and was supposed to have a four to five hour layover before he could catch a connection down here. Fortuitously, the early flight this way was an hour late leaving Washington, so he was able to sweet talk his way onto it. (I told you he was a Jedi.) He was due here at 2:00 this afternoon originally, but he managed to get down here by around 10:30 this morning. Huzzah! His luggage didn't make it on the early flight, though. We drove back to the airport half an hour after his original arrival time, and the plane had not even left Washington yet. They phoned us at nearly 7:00 to say his bag finally made it. If he had not managed to catch the earlier flight, he would have been almost five hours late. My head would have exploded having to wait that much longer, and he would have been miserable being stuck in yet another airport all day.

The man is home! The man is home! We are all celebrating. All of us who knew him previously, that is. The dogs danced with joy when he came home, and the Pride has followed him around the house, trying to catch up on all the daddy loving that they've missed. Athena, however, is not so sure about this... this... MAN. Why is there a MAN in the house? She has hidden under chairs, squirmed when he picked her up, and come up to me to list her grievances in eloquent detail. She had been so friendly and personable with all my guests before, with everyone who came to the house. And then it occurred to me, I have only ever invited women over here. The only men who have ever picked her up were the shelter techs who tossed her in that awful lime dip. I think she's afraid he is going to cover her in toxic sludge and shove her back in a plastic cage. Maybe in a few days, she will trust that all he wants to do is give her a little affection, and maybe a few cat treats.

Now, if you will pardon me, I need to get reacquainted with my man. I get him all to myself for today, and maybe a little of tomorrow. We have engagements this weekend, so I will need to share. But not yet.

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