Thursday, January 23, 2014

Silver Linings

Inspirational song: Money (Pink Floyd)

It's time to raise the roof. Or at least, tear off the old one and put on a newer, prettier, undamaged version. There was a day in June, when I arrived at the Y only to find the pool closed for weather, and when I checked the radar on my phone, there was a big red warning box around my neighborhood. I was a little show to clue in that the red box meant tornado warning, but once I did, I raced home to make sure that everyone in my little Park was safe and sound. I found the grounds covered in leaves and small branches, but I assumed that there was no structural damage anywhere on the property. Turns out I was wrong. Being afraid of heights, I didn't climb up and inspect the roof. If I had, I would have found that we had missing shingles. Not a catastrophic injury to the overall structure, but enough that recently, when we got a solicitation letter suggesting that insurance might cover it, I took a look back through the blogs and realized they could be right. Our neighbors went with this same company and liked them, and today, we made a contract to do it too. Not only is this a huge win for me, since the man has been swearing that he could take a week off and do it himself (my fear of heights extends to having my spouse in a dangerous place too), but I won the argument that insurance would come through. When he looked at everything and realized that we were going to save thousands of dollars and he didn't have to do the work himself, I looked at him meaningfully until he admitted I was right. That was worth waiting for.

 We got confirmation today that the man won't be going off on the occupational tangent we had thought was possible. Oddly, I am at peace now that we know it isn't going to happen. I can't explain how this changes the outlook for the next several years, because I haven't fully absorbed all the implications, but my gut feeling is that this is actually a positive overall. Only time will tell whether I am right or wrong. Until it is proven otherwise, I am going to insist that this is the better outcome.

I only have a little time left with the man before he heads back to his distant job. We stayed home tonight, had some comfort food and a roaring fire. It would be nice if our basketball team was playing better while we watch on tv, but there is no shame in losing to the number one ranked team in the country. It may be time to leave it recording and get some quality time while I can.

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