Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Rumbly in the Tumbly

Inspirational song: Empty Glass (Pete Townshend)

Of all possible days to feel under the weather, today was the best possible day for it. I don't mind losing a day of waiting, being able to do little more than lie on the couch and doze, and feel like a storm is brewing in my stomach. I have felt yucky since yesterday afternoon, bad enough to pass on a chance to watch the college football championship game with friends. I don't know whether I ate something that disagreed with me, caught a bug, or am just anxious as hell. At this point, the cause doesn't matter, just the duration. If I feel better by tomorrow, I will just let today fade into distant memory.

The man is on the move. There were several snafus with his travel arrangements, but he is finally starting the journey home for vacation. He has huge layovers between the connections, so this is going to take a very long time to play out. I can only hope that there are no problems with the domestic flight, and that all the stranded travelers from weather cancellations and delays have worked their way through the system by the time he arrives here.

It was suggested that my stomach upset was just anticipation, and that I should enjoy a nice adult beverage to calm down and pass the time. Once I thought about it, I decided to cover all my bases. Sprite is good for upset tummies, right? And it mixes so well with whiskey. One way or another, I think the problem is solved. Now, if you will pardon us, the kids and I are going to hit the hay for early bedtime, and hope that tomorrow is a better day.

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