Monday, February 10, 2014

I Have No Recollection

Inspirational song: Memory (Cats)

I didn't think I was working on a sleep deficit, but my body said differently. One minute I was reading a very compelling argument against wheat consumption (the book is Wheat Belly--I recommend it so far), the next I was out cold on the couch in the early evening, having very elaborate, confusing dreams. It was one of those dreams where all the details seem to get jumbled up. I was preparing to go to a high school reunion, but the town was wrong and so were the people. It was more like the little bitty town in New Mexico where I lived three years ago, and I found myself trying to explain locations and experiences to strangers, based on incorrect data. Between the dream and the fact that I fell asleep so late in the day, it left me sluggish and confused, and stuck on trying to figure out memories of the dream that just do not matter at all. I find myself wishing for a cup of coffee to perk me up, to get the bad taste out of my mouth, so I can shake off the lingering effects of dreaming about places and people I didn't want to think about.

Before I had the surprise shut down, my mother asked me something that she worried would upset me. Apparently there was a scene from my childhood that made an impression on other members of my family, but rolled right off of my back. I was somewhere around 10 or 11 for this episode, and I have absolutely no memory of it whatsoever. I don't know whether it wasn't as big a deal for me, or whether I compartmentalized it and blocked it off. Either way, I didn't ask her too many details, and I am happier for not remembering it.

I'm hit or miss on deeper memories like that. I've had memories I wish I could wipe away, and I've had giant swaths of my life vanish into the mist. The first time I went to a high school reunion, for the ten year, someone had gotten creative and made a large wall graphic that had quotes from all of us, and a few flashback moments. To this day, I cannot figure out what my quote meant. The best I can tell, I had gotten upset about something, and had said, "Well, FINE then," in a loud or exceptionally sarcastic manner, and members of my high school class had thought it was hilarious. I have no idea what the circumstances were, nor whether this was something I should be proud of or horribly embarrassed by. I guessed the latter, but it was never explained to me. One of my friends seemed genuinely surprised that I didn't remember, and I suspect she thought I was faking it.

Since I can't provide photos of my memories and dreams, I will have to make due with a couple shots from lunch today. Once again mah jongg didn't make, so the master and I went to lunch instead. It was a lovely Mediterranean-themed place, in a tented patio (with heaters), with a water feature, hookah pipes, and a disco ball. We're still trying to figure out whether the disco ball really fits with the rest of the decor.

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