Monday, February 17, 2014

Quiet Interlude

Inspirational song: Peaceful, Easy Feeling (The Eagles)

Today felt like a very relaxing interlude, a break between the restless, unsettled tone of the weekend, and the heavy work ahead of me now that the weather is supposed to be fantastic. I spent a little time staring longingly at the mah jongg master's pool, while I waited for her easily distracted dog to roll in the grass and play in the sunshine instead of doing her business. I guess she and I were in the same boat, because I wasn't terribly focused today. Warmth and work is coming, but I took some time off to enjoy the anticipation before it arrives. Bring on that spring fever. I'm ready to roll and play in it just like the dog today.

In the last week, I finished gathering the information I needed to transition from toying with going gluten-free, to fully committing, throwing away all wheat-containing products that remained in my pantry so I can never screw up again. I went through the horrible withdrawal symptoms from wheat months ago, by using far too much sugar and dairy in its place (usually together in a nightly bowl of ice cream). Now I think I'm able to throw away that crutch, and do this for real. It's too early to tell whether I've accomplished anything more than the soft skin and 90% reduction in migraines that I've enjoyed since Thanksgiving. I'm very good at fooling myself, so I want desperately to believe that my calm, relaxed state today is thanks to going down the line into hidden sources of wheat in condiments, flavorings, or anywhere else I've let them slip through. My hopes are high. I don't know what I'll do if I'm not flying through the air like Supergirl in a couple months.

Since I still want to keep secrets, I will pretend publicly that all I did today was play with kitties. I did find them sparring in the Thunderdome, or as I postulated since we are in the northern hemisphere, Thundertub. (If water goes down the drain the opposite direction in Australia, then maybe battle arenas follow the same rules, right?) And later, I tried to introduce the Angry Ewok to the squeaky Ewok. She was not amused. It took multiple tries to get a picture, since every time I set up the shot, Angry Ewok knocked squeaky Ewok to the ground, just to watch it fall.

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