Saturday, February 7, 2015


Inspirational song: Please Please Me (The Beatles)

I had an excess of people greet me today--making eye contact, smiling, and talking to me--while I was out and about. I know that I live in the Deep South, a place that is entirely powered by politeness and charm, but this was taken to a higher degree, enough to make me wonder what was so different about today. Lately, I've been feeling so crappy, I've pulled into myself and been invisible in yoga pants and pony tails. I even went to the movies last night buried in a cat-hair covered hoodie and scarf. But today I put myself together a little better, including putting the effort into full makeup (with heavy "smoky eye" and everything). I wish I knew which it was that so many people responded to, my appearance or my improved attitude, as I held my head a little higher and walked like I had a purpose today. It's almost enough to make me want to do a few social experiments to find out.

I have been working on a lot of new recipes over the last few weeks, but I haven't prepared any for the blog in a while. I am facing several weeks of a soft foods diet, when I'm able to eat at all. In anticipation of that, I'm indulging in every spicy, crunchy, or rich dish I can think of, to tide me over while I'm stuck eating scrambled eggs, applesauce, and mashed potatoes every day. This morning I made oeufs en cocotte (eggs, bacon, and greens baked in ramekins), and I learned the easiest way to make hollandaise sauce to drizzle on top of them. Then this evening, I discovered how perfectly well angel food cake translates into gluten free. (At the same time, I discovered that cream of tartar has an expiration date, but it appears to just be a suggestion, but cornstarch definitely doesn't last forever. Next time I'm using tapioca.) I think I will be putting up several test kitchen posts over the next week, to clear out the backlog, so I don't forget some of these good ones.

My mother in law always made angel food cakes for every birthday gathering (which was nearly monthly--their family was so large by the time all the grandkids showed up), but we have been away from the core Colorado group for so long, the man hasn't had one for his birthday in years and years. He has a birthday coming soon, and I just found a way to give him a taste of home without hurting my own digestion in the process. He perked up like a little kid when I offered him the whisk and bowl covered in cake batter. I made him quite happy today.

Several years ago, I was trying to con my younger daughter into making hollandaise sauce, to go along with whatever it was we were making for breakfast. (I think I just didn't want to wear my arms out on the whisk while I was also responsible for the rest of the meal that day.) She was a senior in high school, and my reasoning was that if she learned how to make hollandaise, she'd have a great skill to have while she and her friends were in college or just beyond it, for those hangover mornings when only eggs benedict and bloody marys would do. I think she humored me and made the sauce as I asked, but I don't know whether she ever made it again. After I found out that with a wand blender, it takes about 30 seconds tops, maybe I'll revisit that conversation with her. I still think her friends would be pleased if she cooked for them. It seems to go over well here.

1 comment:

  1. Actually the hollandaise thing was when we were still in the Mojave. It was some kind of dinner thing, maybe even making artichokes. But that's all I really remember of it.
