Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Next Steps

Inspirational song: Steppin' Out (Joe Jackson)

I'm slowly but surely reclaiming my life. For the first time in two weeks, I participated in the preparation of lunch. I chopped up our last potato from the pantry and made home fries to go with leftover hamburger patties. It was exhausting, and I sat down in between trips to the pan to turn them over so they didn't burn on any one side. But it represented a huge step forward in my healing process. An hour or so after lunch, I was completely worn out, and rather than falling asleep on the couch, I went up and slept in my own bed for the first time since the surgery. I'm ready to graduate from the guest bed, now that I don't need to sleep much closer to the ground so I can get in and out of bed without assistance. I've missed my own space, and that nap was some of the best sleep I've had in two weeks. I have decided it is time to move back into my own room, and I'm not worried about potential pain from the man rolling over in bed and jostling me. Ever since the drain came out, my pain has abated dramatically. I'm in the fast lane to health now.

Tonight I went beyond a tentative trip to my dear friend's house, where I was coddled and loved on by three nurturing women. I was brave, and I went to my regular bunco night, and opened myself up for teasing and movement and testing the limits of my pain control. It was fabulous. I tried not to laugh too heartily, just because my stomach muscles get sore still, but it was impossible not to be jolly with this group. I tried to lose every game, so that I never had to change chairs (winners move every round to new tables, in a constant circle of changing partners). I lost 13 of 20 games, so I did what I set out to do, even though I won just enough to complete a circle of the room.

It wore me out, and I was shaking by the time I made it back to the car. (No I did not drive myself.) I am thrilled that I'm taking back my freedom, though. I think I am ready to do a grocery shopping trip, partly because I'll have a cart to hang on to as I start to get tired, and partly because I really enjoy doing it. I'm in the part of the country that has Publix supermarkets, and they really are great places to shop. Customer service is far more important to me than pricing, so I dig being in a place that makes it a priority. Plus, selecting my own groceries will inspire me to start cooking again more, which will continue the advance of my independence. Onward and upward!

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