Monday, April 6, 2015

Can You See?

Inspirational song: All I Ask of You (Phantom of the Opera)

I'm going to be blind for the next week and a half. Not metaphorically speaking, but quite literally. The whole reason my friends convinced me to go in on a Costco membership wasn't because I needed a truckload of peanut butter or paper towels, but because they have an amazing price on replacement lenses for my glasses. But since I decided to keep the same frames that I purchased elsewhere, I had to leave the whole kit with them for about 10 days, so they can make a pattern of my lenses and replace them. If I knew where my old glasses were, I might be able to wear them, but I'm not sure they would do me much good at this point. They were pretty useless by the time I got my current set. I can still see well enough to get around, but driving is out of the question. I've decided not to think of this as a negative, but as an opportunity to look around my world in a new way. (Not like I have much of a choice, but still, I'm not going to be Debbie Downer about it.) I wonder how things will change, if they do at all.

I have been finding it difficult to read, even with progressive lenses, for quite some time. I have two choices, to push text out about two and a half feet from my nose, or to remove my glasses and hold books or screens about eight inches from my eyes. Neither is really comfortable for long periods of time. When I decide which photographs to post here, I always opt for the glasses-free route, holding my phone up close. The optometrist refused to promise me that he can fix that. I think I'm resigned to my fate.

Without my eyes, I let the whole day pass without taking pictures. Luckily, I got the photo equivalent of fan fiction sent to me, unsolicited. I got a series of spring pictures from the Motherpark. With permission, I get to post them here. Spring has sprung back home. I'm more than happy to share evidence of that. In fact, I think I'm going to put out the call for more of my friends to show off the signs of spring in their own gardens. Do you have a row of tulips you're particularly proud of? Your lilac trees are starting to blossom? Send me pictures. If there's a story to tell, let me know. I'm ready to bring something new into this space. Let's see what you're up to.

As for these pictures, I do miss growing vinca, with its pretty periwinkle blooms. I used to have a bunch of it all around my house in New Mexico. Her peach trees are so dainty and small. I love them. And I'm jealous that her blackberries are still doing so well. Mine were eaten up by rust during that first rainy season that the man was away. And she has asked for help identifying that last plant. There are volunteers of it in a couple places around the yard. My guess is a Bradford pear, because it closely resembles the suckers I have been battling for two years, around the one we cut down. (In two years, the one sucker we let grow is already over fifteen feet tall. They are quite vigorous.) If anyone has a better guess, I would like to hear it.

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