Wednesday, July 8, 2015

All Wet

Inspirational song: Set Fire to the Rain (Adele)

How fitting that while we are stuck in purgatory, the days are gray and drizzly and nondescript. Or perhaps it's better to describe this as limbo. We are negotiating and waiting to see what happens with the house, and it will just take time to see where we end up. We still look at the daily listings of houses that show up in our email, and we are wondering whether the bird in hand is the best we are going to get in our price range.

I was told this morning that the gloom outside is not just regular overcast and rain, but is compounded by fires going on thousands of miles north and west of us. I suppose I can believe that smoke is a contributing factor to the poor visibility. I have to take Mr S-P at his word on that. I'm still feeling awfully cut off from the world in an information-free bunker. I'm a nightly news kind of gal, and I miss it terribly. In fact, I was lamenting earlier how much I wish I could just curl up under a blanket on the couch, and sit and eat Gummi bears while I watch television. It's going to be a while before I have the luxury of wasting my time in such a fashion again.

We tried to take the dogs to an off-leash park again today, but we had barely made it halfway around the wilderness trail before it started raining hard on us, sending us for the truck. At least all canines got some open field pooping training exercises under their belts before we had to call it for the day. This may be the best reason of all to press forward with the house we already have under contract, so we can finally have a yard of our own again. It isn't a perfect paradise, but it would be a good place for the kids to burn up all this excess energy. We should be on our way out of limbo by the weekend, one way or another. 

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