Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New Inputs

Inspirational song: 13 Days (John Wesley)

I dare say Alfred Hitchcock over-glamorized apartment life. I've seen Rear Window many times, and I keep waiting for that to translate into my life now. Not that I'm wanting to witness a murder, but I did hold my breath and listen harder when a little kid tattled on the three year old next door, who "went out into the street when he followed me." The mom or auntie had been standing out in our common stairwell, calling his name as usual, when the other little boy ran told. All is well, but it did get me wondering when all the fun characters from Rear Window show up. Where's the honeymooning couple and the jazz pianist who is working on his next big composition? When does Grace Kelly come over and wow me with her perfect diction or Raymond Burr scare me with his suspicious and spooky behavior? Hitchcock did at least try to capture a bit of what summer is like in a concrete jungle in that movie, but it is much easier to watch that part than live it. Thank goodness for swamp coolers.

I am utterly bored here, but I haven't figured out yet how to escape. I played in dirt a couple days ago, and I will probably do it again tomorrow. I've gone swimming a few times too, but the weather isn't cooperating well for that. I need to find an activity that isn't out in the sun or impossible to do when thunderstorms roll in. I'd love to sit where I have a wifi connection and gorge on all the incoming data from the Pluto fly-by that I missed yesterday. I just need a change of scenery and some new inputs. I'm listening to the same playlist on iTunes over and over, and reading the same crap on Facebook every day. It got old weeks ago. 

I'd like to start setting up the new house. That would give me at least a month of entertainment. There is no way I can make a single concrete plan until we actually close and get keys in hand. Too many things have gone wrong, and there are still too many pitfalls. I refuse even to buy paint samples yet, although today I did go test a theory about colors. I grabbed an approximation of the original 1959 Formica color and chips that were close to the copper backsplash and cabinet finish. Then I pulled about 25 chips on the proper third spoke of the color wheel to balance those two, which is in the lavender family. My mother and I once feuded for over a month when I refused to let her paint a living room dark grape (in the garage apartment next to the house she and I both grew up in). Now here I am actually considering a pale gray in the violet family. I don't know how to reconcile 2015 Anne with 2002 Anne. I've never painted a wall purple in my life, yet I may feel like it is the only color I can use. I have a lot of artistic soul-searching to do. I have time. If we are able to keep the original schedule, and the appraisal and loan processing can be done on time, then we should have the house in 13 days. Maybe I can spend some of that time gridding out furniture placement on paper. I have to do something or this quiet apartment is going to drive me mad. I've seen that movie often enough to know how that turns out.

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