Saturday, July 25, 2015


Inspirational song: Life of the Party (Charlie Robison)

I knew several things going in to today. I knew we'd get to reconnect with some of our dearest friends from school, and I knew I looked forward to that. I knew that we were probably going to end up indulging in several adult beverages, and I planned my weekend accordingly. What I didn't know, but should have, was that the dogs would be invited to the same party we were, and what I really should have remembered was that high altitude plus adult beverages plus sunny deck parties equals extreme intoxication and early onset hangover. I could barely keep my eyes open as I rode home tonight (as a passenger, naturally), when all the lights from the road blinded me and the words on road signs danced and jumbled before they reached my compromised brain. By the time we made it down the hill, I knew nothing but that I needed Advil and a rest.

We were up in the hills to celebrate the birthday of our friend's father, and to reconnect with their large and wonderful family, who had flown in from around the country for the event. Neighbors and old friends joined in the merriment. I made some new connections, with local people I look forward to knowing better. I got to snoop in our friend's mother's garden, to see what sort of native plants she was successfully growing, plus what was struggling to thrive in its natural habitat. (Honestly, everything I saw looked great, but it was pointed out to me that so far up in the hills, the hen and chicks succulents weren't growing and spreading as vigorously as they might down in the valley. Only a minor quibble.) And while I was just sure the dogs would harsh my buzz, as it were, they ended up being mostly well-behaved, and a source of interest for many of the revelers. I have to admit they were not party poopers, even when they were quite literally party poopers.

The views at our friend's childhood home are amazing. I haven't been up there in years, and I forget when I am not there how insanely beautiful it really is around that house. On days as clear as this, we could easily see all the way to downtown Denver and beyond. The views have changed a bit since the first time I was there in college, with a whole lot more houses down the valley, but they are still strikingly lovely. Standing on the deck, drinking in the view, maybe it is sinking in a little more that we are really home to stay. We get to look at this place every day. This is the life.

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