Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Park West

Inspirational song: Starting Over (John Lennon)

I am too tired to write. I'm going to do it anyway, but don't say I didn't warn you. I just had to throw a tantrum and say NO several times in a row to convince the Mister to stop loading out the apartment into the trailer so we can go to bed. In an hour. Or two. I stopped having the ability to adult about 30 minutes ago, but it wasn't until I pointed at the clock and said, "It's 11:41. We won't be at the house until 12:30, and we still have to unload the bed and all this crap before we can sleep." He started to capitulate, and then he looked at our temporary shelving system in the apartment kitchen, with about 40 total items still on it, and said, "Can you finish clearing that so I can load it up and we will go?" NO. I refused. I put two small skillets into the dish drying rack, put a pack of paper towels on it, grabbed my purse, and walked out to sit in the truck and wait, my stack of random loose crap settled on my lap. No more moving tonight. Except the part where we empty the trailer we just filled before constructing the guest bed and sleeping in that.

Today was so huge, driving to the closing felt almost anti-climactic. I was exhausted by the time we got to that part. I said that I wanted to just have them say to me, "Yeah?" And I would answer back, "Yeah." And then they would take a thermal scan of my thumbprint and it would be over. But by 4:30 this afternoon, I had signed my name so many times that I forgot how to do it, and the seller's agent handed me a key. We raced back to the apartment to grab a few essentials that we hadn't already loaded into the trailer (like cats and dogs), and went to the house. The whole way there I listened to my favorite song, sung in five-part harmony. The lyrics change, but this time it went something like, "Car sucks! Car sucks balls! I don't want to be here! Why are we being tortured? I hate mom!"

Tomorrow I will show off all the pictures from today of very upset kitties and car drama. I will tell all the stories, complete with backstory to explain why today's car drama wasn't a curse but rather a blessing of good luck on our move. Tonight I am too tired to wait for photos to transfer on a mobile network. I have one beautiful picture to show, that our younger daughter took, of sunset through the rain while we were broken down on the side of the road. It seemed to be a good metaphor for finding the joy in a comically difficult situation. We excel at that. It's all going to be fine, kids. This is standard operating procedure, and we thrive on it.

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