Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Changing Back

Inspirational song: Do It Again (The Kinks)

What a difference a single rotation of this planet makes. Yesterday we learned that because of scheduling conflicts, XS needed to go ahead and jump ship and go back to the house where she started, where she was always planning on finishing. And in order to fit a move into that very busy schedule (not mine), she had to pack up immediately after Rotary. She even left early while I finished taking the meeting notes, and by the time I made it back to the house, she was putting the last few bits of her belongings into a box that didn't fit in the car the first time around, while she waited for the first house mom to come back and get her. It ended so quickly. I thought we had her through Friday, before she left with all the other exchange students on their tour of the West, and I even thought she might be here a few days after she got back. I'm not upset, because I'm not greedy. I'm okay with sharing her time and attention. It just felt like it ended abruptly.

I spent the rest of the afternoon putting things back in order, as much as I could manage on a hot, muggy day. I've done four loads of laundry, to get through all the bedding and towels and my own clothes. I've moved some of the pile of stuff that crowded my bedroom back into the guest/craft room. I'll sort clothes and shoes a little before I send everything else back to my dressing area. I'm sure there are things I can donate that I'll never wear again, and I can rotate and store things I'm not ready to part with but that might not fit right now. These are things I started to do months ago in preparation for hosting, but I have much more I could do after learning to live with a truncated version of my wardrobe while my dressing room was occupied.

And speaking of solar cycles, today marks five times that little Athena has made the trip around the sun. I wasn't thinking about birthdays, but the vet's email reminded me. How she has changed with maturity and a bit of serious dental work. She rarely exhibits Murder Floof behavior. She spends more time cuddling and flirting, and I swear she actually plays with the kitten now. Real play. She's even nicer to Rabbit, which is such a welcome, calming change. Rabbit says so too. She has even started playing again. Just not necessarily with Athena. Only so much progress can be made at one time.

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