Friday, June 22, 2018

It's Going to Work Out

Inspirational song: It's My Party (Lesley Gore)

Maybe Greg House was right. He said, "Everybody lies." That played out for me this afternoon. I had more than half a dozen people tell me they were desperate to tour the condo that we rent out, and that they were available today to see it. So I made a production out of preparing a stack of rental applications (that I wrote myself, culling the best parts of sample ones online, but leaving out info that I don't want to be responsible for, like people's social security numbers and banking account numbers), bringing my biggest, brightest open house sign, clipboards and pens, drinks and snacks (these for me), a chair, a book, and just in case my last renters didn't leave any, toilet paper. I got there right at 2 o'clock, exactly when I said I would. I set up quickly, and settled into my uncomfortable folding chair, and cracked open Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the first time in at least 15 years. (I bought a softcover boxed set just after Christmas, but had not even unwrapped the plastic until today.) I stood up and wandered around often, to minimize the damage to my body from the hard chair, and went outside a few times to be able to send texts and check the internet for more requests for info on the condo. I had made it to when Hagrid shows up to tell Harry he is a wizard before my first prospective tenant made it through the door, even with all of my walkaround breaks. They were on their way to Diagon Alley before the second and final set of people arrived.

For all of the people who sounded so excited about the property, two applications filled out over a 4.5 hour tour was a bit of a let down. Now, the news isn't all bad. I was also in talks with a young woman who is still out of state, who really, really wants the place, and is willing to start renting on the first of the month so that she can move in during the middle. As of right now, it's down to her and the couple who came in at 6 pm. There are two apps I'm waiting to see, before the Mr and I decide for certain. Even without the overwhelming crush of people I had expected, I'm in a good place. I have been stressed out while only grad students were asking after it, and none of them were even in Boulder yet, and wouldn't be until well into August. I watched the bank account that this rental feeds into get smaller and smaller, and wonder whether I had enough in reserves to make it through the first of month bills in July. Tonight I feel much less scared. One way or another, I'm going to get someone to rent the condo, and it's all going to be okay. Not going to miss a payment on that new hot tub.

I'm going to try again to post a video, one that I took today to show the woman from out of state. I didn't do a lot of stills today, so it's worth a shot. I might even do two of them, if it works. If not, there will be a blank box, and I'll go back and add an old photo from the internet listing. It has been a while since I tried this experiment. I miss my old phone camera that took little gifs that I could upload, and did once in a while.

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