Friday, June 1, 2018

WTF - But Not What You're Thinking

Inspirational song: Run Runaway (Slade)

All the county's blue movers and shakers got together tonight for the big annual fundraiser. I considered not going this year, because I'm about to be broke (both rental properties are vacant as of last week), but it's sort of my thing now. My rotary buddy wasn't about to let me stay home, and I do enjoy hanging out with these people, now that I recognize so many of them, and better yet, they recognize me. I used to think of my government representatives like celebrities. I might catch sight of them from a distance, but I'd never get to interact with them on a personal level. Getting active in the county has taught me that's not how it works with representatives. At least, that's not how it works on our side, in this particular region. These people want to rub elbows with their constituents, or their would-be constituents in the cases of the ones who are just beginning to run or want their first re-election. They are approachable and charming, and on their best behavior. As I strolled down the rows of silent auction items, I saw one of the top two gubernatorial primary candidates putting a friendly arm around a woman I know from rotary. As I checked in, I stood behind the primary candidate I support for US Congress, and my closest rotary buddy greeted him by first name and chatted like it was only yesterday we were talking to him at the state assembly. When we were getting seated at our dinner table, I looked for the Mr, and found him talking animatedly with the former party chair who stepped down in order to run for the congressional district that most of the county is in, whose current US Rep is also running for governor. And while I was waiting in line to get a refill on wine, I met the county sheriff for the first time (in a good way -- thank goodness I've never met him in a negative situation). He and his wife were quite wonderful.

Like how I didn't intend to pay the big bucks for the tickets, I also thought I'd go and not bid on anything or play any of the fundraiser games. Yeah, that didn't last. I bid on three items: a cobalt blue art glass bowl, a cerulean ceramic tray, and an "event" with a trip to a mountain property where one could hike, play in the creek, meet the donor's passel of dogs, and interact with (ride?) his/her giant draft horse. I didn't get the ceramic tray, I saw the blue bowl at checkout, but I don't think my opening bid was the one that won it, but I came in highest on the mountain activity package. The exchange student has mentioned repeatedly wanting to ride horses while she's in Colorado, so it seemed like a perfect item to win. I don't have details on it yet. They will contact me, I was told.

In addition to the date with a draft horse, I entered the wine giveaway that I do every year. You buy a cork for $25, selecting red or white, and write your bid number on it. They draw one cork out of a bowl to win two $100 bottles of wine, and then everyone who enters leaves with a bottle of lesser value. Last year I stayed late talking to people, and got one of the very last bottles, a cheap (in price and quality) bottle of Barefoot merlot (or some equally pedestrian red varietal). This year I learned my lesson and checked out early. I got a Chianti. I probably should make a nice gluten-free lasagna to go with it (homemade so it's overloaded with cheese). As he has done each year, Mr S-P played the "heads or tails" game. Again, for 25 bucks, you enter and stand by your table. You put your hands on your head, or on your tail, and wait for the game leader to flip a coin. If your hands are in the right place, you stay standing. Otherwise you lose and sit down. It's becoming a tradition now -- he sat down after the first flip... again.

The keynote speaker was excellent. She was a young strategist/activist about the same age as my kids. She worked on three presidential campaigns, and has traveled in the highest circles. She now has a polical action organization that provides support to candidates all the way down the ballot. In fact, she is passionate about getting people to run at every level, treating school board and city council as vitally important. She said the cadidates they endorse are roughly half women, and half persons of color, thus representing the more accurate spectrum of people who would be their constituents. I was already waist-deep in spending money I didn't have, so we bought a copy of her book and had her inscribe it for our older daughter who has expressed an interest in running for office one day. I hope this book helps her realize that goal, by giving her direction and inspiration.

And finally, WTF isn't the usual exasperated curse. In the context of the local area, it means "Win the Fourth." I am dedicated to that prospect. I am a volunteer determined to make that happen this year. I'm starting my GOTV efforts by making sure my family is all registered at their current addresses. The primary is coming in a few weeks. After that, there will be serious work to do.

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