Sunday, July 15, 2018

Prepare to Land

Inspirational song: Get Me to the Church on Time (My Fair Lady)

For more than an hour, I've been wasting time. I watched the end of a weird movie, that might have been considered funny eleven years ago when it came out, but now all I see are things that reek of spousal abuse and hashtag me too. I completed a puzzle on the iPad. I read hundreds of tweets. And then suddenly, I remembered why I'd been sitting here in a daze, why I needed a sleep-of-the-dead nap late this afternoon, and why I need to be alert and ready to hop in the car and head to Boulder at the drop of a hat tomorrow.

My new tenant arrives in the morning. Well, last I heard from her, she expected to be here early tomorrow, but I really don't know when. She's driving in from the Midwest, and I asked her to text me when she is about half an hour out, so I can meet her with keys and a check-in sheet (and I still need to create a key sign-out sheet). If I stay up piddling around on the internet, or watching TV, or both, I will be too droopy to do all the things I need to do tomorrow. Or worse, I'll be so sleepy I will sleep through a text notifier of her saying she's almost to the condo. That would be a very bad way to start this landlord-tenant relationship.

We put off the last few fixes to the condo until today. Obviously, there were things that took priority, like going to the building site while we had our neighbor to help us with multiple trips up the hill. This morning we went to the condo to sort out which of the four ceiling fans had their remotes properly installed, and which needed them put in, and we made sure they were on different frequencies, so someone in one bedroom wasn't turning the lights on or off on someone in the other. While there, we also swapped out the furnace filter that I forgot to get to last time, and I cleaned out the fireplace that was also skipped in the transition. I think we have completed all the nesting preparation, and we are ready for the next baby bird to land. I know this isn't our kid or even an honorary one for us who is arriving, but I won't act like she doesn't have the potential to be. I nest all the same.

As a follow on to last night, I finally got the picture of the drunken butterfly from the mountain, the one Mr S-P managed to capture, with its wings spread. We were too busy for new pictures today.

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