Sunday, September 16, 2018

Fatigue, Friends, Family, Food, and Football

Inspirational song: Dust on the Bottle (David Lee Murphy)

Yesterday was a long, hard workday on the mountain. Two days before that was the same. Neither of us was particularly energetic today after these last couple trips. We were pretty much only good for hanging out with people we care about and watching football. Lucky for us we had two chances to do exactly that.

I wasn't a Chiefs fan before I moved in next door to one of their ardent Super Fans. At first things started slowly. "Hey, since you have Sunday Ticket, can I come watch the 11 o'clock game in your house?" Then it became a thing. Then I started wearing red on Sundays. Then I joined his fantasy football league, and competed against him to put Travis Kelce and Tyreek Hill on my roster. (Lost the former, won the latter that season.) See, these insidious advances get you every time. By this time last year, we were planning a totally Chiefs-themed surprise birthday party for him. Now this year, we actually volunteer to go over and watch those specific games, and we can tell instantly when we are late, because the sound of cheering is audible next door. I'm actually excited about their new quarterback, and hoping for post-season play. Some days I just don't recognize myself.

We had a family get-together in the late afternoon. We got to visit with our first grand-nephew and meet our second for the very first time. And naturally, several of us were gathered around to watch the Broncos game. This seemed more familiar, more like the me I remembered. I wish I had had more energy or had been more clear-headed. I felt like I was in a bit of a fog most of the evening. I was content to listen more than I talked. At least the Mr picked up the slack for me and showed off dozens of photos of the progress on the cabin to his siblings.

My last action of value is to prep the very first stages for my very first homemade wine. I've had a bag of golden plums in my kitchen since mid-week. I have to do this NOW or they will start to go bad. I needed to wait for instruction from my neighbor, because in my fatigue, the recipe book I bought is making no sense to me at all. The words just dance on the page. He told me to let water sit out overnight, to off-gas all the chlorine, and then start the production tomorrow. And so I have done so. I have five gallons of water in a glass carboy on the counter, with some sort of conditioning tablet dissolving therein. First thing in the morning I will pit and crush the plums, and purchase yeast and other stuff that the recipes call for. Maybe by Thanksgiving the wine will be ready to debut at the next large family gathering.

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