Friday, September 28, 2018


Inspirational song: You've Got a Friend (Carole King)

It was *aaalllmost* my day today. It was supposed to be cooler than most days this week, but thick clouds kept the temps much lower than predicted. I drove around all afternoon, and never saw the car thermometer read above 48 degrees. We actually wished we had brought coats with us when we went shopping, my foster daughter and I. If it had just been wetter, with drizzly rain, then this would have been my favorite day of the year. Maybe next week. It's coming.

Hours of shopping wore me out today. We only intended to go to the party store to get a few themed items. I started expanding the itinerary immediately, starting with the Whole Foods salad bar for lunch (because it's my version of the cafeterias my ancestors frequented), and including the grocery store and Target. We found most of what we needed, and a few things I didn't necessarily need but sorta wanted. We managed to put a few things back that were cute but frivolous. And then we dragged ourselves home through rush hour traffic.

I still had to cook when I got home, and clean up the house "just in case" (you'll understand tomorrow). And then I had to watch a thoroughly satisfying football game. I didn't have the energy to get it all done right away. I had to take a lot of breaks. Thus here I am, after midnight, waiting for a gluten free cake to bake, while I look on enviously at the girl cats sacked out on the super fuzzy blanket on the bed, wishing I could be asleep too. We are leaving early for the mountain tomorrow, with our neighbor, hoping to finish the upper roof deck in one trip. Tomorrow is going to be rough and long. Today's weather reminded me of how quickly that hill is going to go from summer to winter. We are almost out of time.

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