Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Horrible Mistake

Inspirational song: Welcome to My Nightmare (Alice Cooper)

Last night one of my worst fears came true, and I'm still shook, y'all. I gave up the PR job for Rotary eight or nine months ago, but I'm still one of the admins on their Facebook page. I keep my hands completely off of it, and let the people who are actively holding elected office in the club decide what to do with it. At least, that's my intention.

Yesterday Facebook changed how the menus look for posting links yet again. Every few months they tinker with it, improving nothing, just to see whether you're paying attention. I get particularly irritated when they change how the photos post. I did notice yesterday that they went back to asking me to select my own photo for the link, rather than automatically putting up the first one (which has sometimes led me toward awkward placement in the blog, out of chronological order, so that the best ones appear on the link.) From there, I did what I always do: create a post on the Scenes From Smith Park page, complete with a weak, vague caption (I'm almost always spent by the time I write that part and it always sucks), and I post it. Then I change the icon saying who I'm posting as to my own personal page, and I share it there. They've made me carefully check the box that says "include original post" so the weak sauce caption goes too, because there is no way I'm coming up with a new, unique one by that point. Only last night, it didn't share to my page. It shared to the Rotary page. I had a heart attack and wanted to throw up and black out, all at the same time, I swear. It was super hard to get to the feed of the Rotary page, and then it took me hitting buttons and refreshing pages over and over, trying to find the damned post. All the while I'm imagining who in the world is seeing my goofy personal post about D&D (and I do mean in the world--we have followers from our Open World program from Russia and Ukraine). I was shaking the whole time, and it probably took me five minutes to get it deleted from the page. Then, once it was removed, I tried to share it properly, and discovered that Facebook was defaulting to sharing to the other page, fighting me getting it done correctly. Why on earth would they do that to me?

Two nights ago I talked about making a point of going to bed early for one whole month, trying to improve my quality and quantity of sleep. Last night's mortifying error woke me the hell up. I was wired for hours after that. I had the lights out, but the TV on, and I worked a puzzle on my iPad while I let the news anchors drone and watched a recorded episode of Colbert. I was awake until 1 am, trying to calm down. I have got to ask them to remove me completely as an admin on that page. I never want to go through that again.

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