Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Lonely Roads

Inspirational song: Alabama Song/Whisky Bar (The Doors)

It didn't seem like it was all that much bourbon. Truly. It was D&D night tonight, and we were next door. Our neighbor saw that my foster daughter and I were just drinking sodas, and he pulled out a tasty but cheap bourbon that he would be okay with us mixing with cokes. Technically, I was drinking Kroger brand Dr Pepper (the "Fizzicist"), which was very sweet, so I had trouble gauging how much bourbon was mixed into it. I also was running on ridiculously little sleep. I was watching Game of Thrones all night, concluding the Red Wedding at quarter to four this morning. I tried to sleep after, and was back awake fifteen minutes later. I couldn't sleep late this morning, either. I had things to do, and my brain woke up and stayed. Fatigue and booze slammed into my face, and I now find myself a little drunker than I typically want to be on a random Wednesday night. All I want to do now is go to bed. Now, now, now.

I tried to go down to see my rheumatologist this afternoon, having scheduled a short-notice appointment. There was miscommunication with the office person, and when I arrived today, she said no, it's for tomorrow. The doc isn't even in that office on Wednesdays. It's a pity, since that location is about 30 miles from my home. I have to turn around and go back tomorrow.

The wind this week scoured the skies, and everything was as clear and blue as could be. There was still a lot of wind over the mountains, swirling snow up like whipped cream on a sundae over Long's Peak. I couldn't take pictures on the highway on the way home, so I pulled off on a rural road, and started framing my shots once the pavement ended. The colors were intense. The road was horrible and pock-marked. It was cool though. A happy accident that I might need to repeat sooner than later.

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