Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Inspirational song: Stone Cold (Rainbow)

Ooh, it's the future now. How many movies have told us that 2019 is when it all goes sideways? We watched two of them tonight. We started with Blade Runner. (What is it with not being able to find the theatrical release easily? I hate not having the voice over.) I must say I'm glad we didn't end up with that population density and climate. Now, maybe they just got the year wrong on both of those things. The second movie we watched that was set in 2019 was Akira. The animation on that one was incredible, but the story was a bit out there for me. (Sort of like Heavy Metal on both counts.) We did share significant glances over the "building a stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics" part. It's like they knew.

This isn't the coldest New Year's Eve I've ever celebrated, but it was in the top five. I think the time we came out here back when my former business partner lived in this town, and we met her at her friend's party, that NYE it was even colder by about 10 degrees. This was bad enough, if for no other reason than the heater wasn't igniting at my daughter's house during the movies. We had enough people and enough blankets to stay mostly comfortable, but all the same, I'm glad to be back home in my properly heated bedroom. The wispy snow can fall now. I don't care, under all these blankets, with all five cats on the bed.

It was popular to hate 2016. Some of the most beloved celebrities died, and it seemed like more of them left than usual. We couldn't wait to kick '16 to the curb and start with '17. A year ago, we were just as happy to put 2017 in the rear view mirror. It has been a rough few years, for so many reasons, not just losing the rock stars of our youth. I am pretty sick of each year piling on more stress than I can carry. Internal and external stress has taken its toll on me, in a very real and physiological way. I'm determined not to let 2019 beat me up as hard. I'm still actively pursuing better health. I'm starting to add joy back into my life, like taking on all these crafting projects and following cat and dog accounts on Twitter. We say this every New Year's Eve, sure, but I have reason to believe we could take a real uptick this time. At least wait until tomorrow to dash my hopes.

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