Saturday, February 8, 2020

She Reminds Me of You

Inspirational song: Cheatin’ (Gin Blossoms)

Harvey got very agitated by the back door this evening. He assumed an aggressive stance, shook his butt, flicked his tail, and danced a little like he was having trouble holding back his feet. My daughter was over for the evening, and I was in the middle of making dinner when he started this nonsense. I asked him what he saw, imagining it could be a raccoon on the wrong side of the alley fence. I peered out into the dark yard (we never did replace the back light after painting the trim years ago), and creeping across my snowy back yard was a white cat with a black tail. I would have thought I was hallucinating, but obviously Harvey saw her too. My heart stopped beating for a moment. She didn’t look exactly like Rabbit, because instead of a black dot on her forehead, she had more of a swoosh, almost like she wore a tiny black beret. She stopped and looked at me, and we stared at each other for most of a minute. I didn’t want to scare her away, but I couldn’t help talking to her through the glass. I told her to find someplace warm for the night, because more snow is expected. She trotted off back to the south, and I regretted not having my phone handy for a picture.

When I saw her, she was almost standing on Rabbit’s grave.

I think I need to go be quiet for the rest of the evening, while I let the feelings wash over me.

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