Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Inspirational song: Shadow Dancing (Andy Gibb)

Cleverness only got me so far tonight. It ended oddly, and with me laughing so hard I was wheezing.

We have started watching Hunters, an Amazon Prime television series. It's all about a diverse group who hunt Nazis in the summer of 1978. It centers on a 19-20 year old kid whose grandmother survived Auschwitz. The grandmother died in the first episode, but they refer to her constantly and there are tons of flashbacks. They use a name that sounds cool, and I am struggling to spell it. Is it "zafta?" "Safta?" "Zofta?" 

I went to Google translate to make guesses at it. I tried zafta with a z. Google said it detected Turkish, and it meant "in Zaf." Okay, that doesn't mean anything like grandmother, so I tried again. I entered Safta with an s. That apparently agitated Google translate, because it detected it as Swedish, and it screamed at me in all caps: "MAKE FRUIT SYRUP." I'm almost afraid to try it with different vowels. 

I still don't know what I want my grandmother name to be. I've always been boring, using "grandma" to refer to all the ones in my family (except my great grandmother who we called Granny). When I talk to my daughters' cats and dog (yes, I do, and quite frequently), I refer to myself the same way. But now that there will be a human, I need to decide whether I stick with the classics or use something more unusual. If I could figure out how to spell it, this word they keep using on Hunters might be fun to try out, and see whether it sticks. I just have to be sure it means what I think it means.

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