Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back for More

Inspirational song: Islands in the Stream (Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers)

Second verse, same as the first. My sadistic friend and I met at the Y again this morning, for another marathon workout. This time around we worked on the lower body, doing moves and variations I never thought of before, and squats in between each set. Holy cow. I can't believe I kept it up, for all two and a half hours of it. I'm doing things I didn't think I was capable of. But I survived, and was capable of driving myself home, and of cooking real food for lunch. And that was pretty much the last productive thing I did. I'm telling myself that I'm getting a lot of muscle recovery when I keep falling asleep like this, but I'm afraid that might just be total BS. 

My mah jongg master needed to bring me something today, and to guarantee I was awake when she arrived, I went outside to wait for her. I watered the few clumps of flowers clinging to life. I know that if I were to cut a bunch of them back, they have a chance of springing back before the very end of the growing season. But with every spiderweb revealed in the spray of water, I get the answer to why I haven't gone yet. If I wait until it's cold enough to drive off the spiders and mosquitoes, there won't be time in the growing season to see any improvement. I have a sneaking suspicion I will end up just buying a couple containers of mums and pansies in a month, and set them out, pretending I can take credit for them. But who knows, maybe once I stop needing a nap on the couch after a mega-workout, what will come in its place is energy, with a soupçon of drive.

I would be absolutely immobile without Epsom salt baths these last couple days. Tonight, as last night, Athena decided the usual cat hangout of circling the tub wasn't enough for her. She steps out onto the mommy island, and flops around against my face, getting her feet and tail soaking wet and not caring a bit. I'll be curious to see how long she continues to do this as she grows larger. This activity carries with it a great deal of risk, either that I'm going to lose a book (or worse, a phone) or it will end in a band-aid moment for me. I didn't take a picture of her in action--this isn't that kind of website. But I did catch her afterward, as she settled in to supervise the rest of my bath. 

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