Sunday, August 11, 2013

Girls to Women

Inspirational song: Aren't You Glad You're You (Les Brown and Doris Day)

I don't get it. How does sitting in a little cold water for a couple hours drain so much energy out of a person? I went to hang out with friends this afternoon, and I floated in a pool for about half the time I was there. I am not sure now I can string more than a few sentences together. I'm seriously not sure how I managed to drive home, and find the right house. I'm glad decided not to drink alcohol today. I'd still be over there, sleeping on their couch, while my dogs wondered why I had decided not to come home and feed them. I spend several hours a week doing energetic water aerobics, and I don't end up half as tired as I am now from just floating.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming week. I get to see people I haven't seen in a while, including a young woman who lived with us for a while when she was a teenager. She had some tough years, and a little difficulty finding herself. Living with us helped her break out of a bad situation, but she needed a little time living on her own to discover how to rely on herself. I think she's in a really positive pattern now, and I'm really proud of her for all she's done. I get to see her twice this week, and I can't wait.

I have a couple pictures of the animals who were out in the yard with us this afternoon. One is an extremely handsome rabbit who posed for me. The other is a charming little lady who is a cross between a Boston and a Yorkie (I think), and who looks suspiciously like a chupacabra. Her pose was her serious, contemplative look. She just celebrated her first birthday, and she's proud of being a grownup now.

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