Thursday, August 29, 2013

Comedy of Errors

Inspirational song: Big Bottom (Spinal Tap)

I made a couple slightly expensive mistakes today. The first one was relatively minor, but annoying. I was shopping for the healthy fats I'm supposed to be using in place of the more dubious vegetable oils  at a GNC. I snuck down the way to a store that sells certain cosmetics at a better price than I can get elsewhere, and picked up a foundation based on a quick swipe against my wrist. By the time I applied it for real, before I left the gym, I realized that I had guessed wrong. Spending three times as much didn't make it sit better on my face than the cheap one I was replacing. Damn. I'll give it another try tomorrow, but I don't expect miracles.

The other mistake made me feel like an absolute idiot. I had a ceremony to attend this morning, so I dressed in clothes appropriate for public viewing. I stopped by my house only long enough to throw my gym gear in a bag, and then raced across town to meet with my new workout partner. I should have known when I got excellent parking that something was going to go wrong. I was halfway through the parking lot, when I glanced down at my magenta toenails peeking out from my sage green sandals, and realized my error. I failed to grab shoes and socks for the gym. I had three choices. I could quit for the day, I could take more than an hour to drive back to the house for shoes through lunch traffic, or I could go down the street to Target and grab replacements. I chose the last option. It still cost me a half hour of time, but I think I found the most cost effective solution based on what was available to me. And now I have a pair of little maroon and white canvas sneakers I can wear when flip-flop season ends (with the sport inserts in them). 

Today was another grueling three hour session at the gym. I did things I never imagined were possible by just the fourth day. There were a few setbacks, like when I totally lost it on the elliptical. That is so not the machine for me. But later, on the adductor, or abductor, or whatever that machine is, I found myself fighting so hard to keep my natural goofiness hidden. I'm still not very limber, and my starting position on the machine was in the sixth notch. My training buddy said soon I would be able to start at a ten, when I am stronger and more flexible. As I stood up, I noticed that the machine went to eleven. With superhuman effort, I keep from pointing it out to someone who probably would never have gotten the reference.

I saw on the news tonight that the entire state has received disaster area status, because of the unbelievable rain this year. Farmers can now apply for disaster aid for crops that were drowned. I guess misery really does love company, because I felt like less of a failure myself for not being able to keep the Park alive if the folks who do this for a living couldn't do it either. 

I am too tired to go hunting far for a photo for tonight, so I will let the kitten's body language speak for me. All I want to do is lie around for the rest of the evening, just like her.

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