Sunday, March 30, 2014

Living the Dream

Inspirational song: Musta Got Lost (The J. Geils Band)

It's rare that I absorb myself with such single minded focus as I did today. Normally, I suffer from the same diminished attention span that plagues most people, the kind that took us from being interested in long movies, down to videos, down to vines. It's the same lack of focus that makes us want to check our phones while we're driving, always glance at the ads with the stupid gifs, and for me particularly, never finish a whole project. Today was very different. I had only one goal for today, and I worked at it all day. I pulled on work clothes the moment I rose, and went out and started in on that huge haul of plants from yesterday. I had to empty out last year's dead plants from containers, pitch out all the soil I can't reuse into the rock wall, and wash out pots that carried a fine film of sand from the last year. I moved some things from the front porch to the back, where I can use them more. I repotted and organized containers for hours. I even scrubbed more mold off the house with a sponge and soapy water, and swept the best I could on a windy day. My reward for a long, hard day of labor was a deck I just did not want to leave. I have wanted to live in a space like this for years, and I finally am living my dream. I knew when I first walked around this house that it was exactly where I wanted to be. The first two years we were here, the man worked to shape the major features of the Park, putting in the fence, storage shed, and young trees and bushes. He left me with a great setup, and over the last year I have been practicing my skills to maintain and build on what I was given. I've come a long way, and I almost have my ideal patio garden arranged. I was so intent on playing in the dirt, I was like a child who doesn't want to stop her game long enough to go inside to eat. The professional eater dog warned me when her dinner time approached, nudged me when it arrived, and when an hour and a half more passed without food appearing in her belly, she stood between my knees, and wagged her tail so hard she shook my whole body. I was hungry too, having skipped lunch during my fun, but by evening I was so tired, I didn't want to move. I long for the days when I could have just ordered a pizza and called it a day. Instead I found myself very thankful for a hot shower and a grocery store only a four minute drive away. And now I find myself ready to let pictures do the rest of the talking. I've lost the ability to string together words. Time to drag myself off to dreamland.

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