Saturday, March 8, 2014

Soak It In

Inspirational song: Here Comes Sunshine (The Grateful Dead)

I woke this morning to an unfamiliar sight. This entire last week has been so gloomy and rough for me, I had forgotten what it was like to wake to a giant sledgehammer of sunlight right in the face. I'm still on that terrible schedule of bed at 2, rise by 9, and it was hard to readjust to the world of light. As luck would have it, tomorrow won't be so bad, since daylight savings comes in a few hours from now. I'm so excited to have later days and warm weather after a winter that was almost as cold as-- well, as autumn for the rest of the country. I was spoiled on the last couple warm winters, and now I'm facing a lot of plants that might not come out of hibernation, and I'm not sure how to wrap my head around it. I think my jasmine and oleanders might have died, but I will wait a month or so to be sure. I tried to get down and check on the bald cypress, but I was thwarted, by the return of the Unmowable Swamp. I thought the whole reason we put the weeping willow and bald cypress down there was so soak up all this water. They need to hurry up and grow and get to drinking.

I found myself standing outside a lot this afternoon, just soaking in the sun and warmth, not ready to do much of anything outside except be. I gave the pride a chance to do exactly the same thing. I can't think of a better thing right now than to be wasting time enjoying my small slice of earth, but not yet having to really work it while the ground is so soggy. There is so much work to do, and I have really been busy for the last few weeks, but it was far more fun to focus on the pauses today.

The seeds I planted a week ago have already started to sprout. Perhaps buying the fancy organic seeds was a good idea after all. I worried that I had wasted more money, but this is a promising sign. I will have to think of a plan of action right away. The peas are almost big enough to be planted already. I may be getting my hands dirty tomorrow. It begins!

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