Saturday, September 26, 2015

Playing With Glue

Inspirational song: Makin' It Natural (Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show)

Marketing works. It really does. At least, I appear to be susceptible to it. I delete dozens of emails from companies trying to sell me something every day, but once in a while, I see an ad for sixty percent off of something I kind of wanted to buy anyway, and I'm lost. I have been wanting to do up the front porch for fall since we moved in. I caved in today, while all the fall decor stuff was on sale at Michaels. I have only ever tried to make a wreath once before in my life, and it was an unqualified disaster. (It was made from natural greenery, only wired together without a rigid frame, and it was before my severe contact allergies were controlled. It was terrible.) So I don't have much experience to draw on. I had no idea how much stuff to get. I didn't even have a hot glue gun anymore. I totally guessed, and to be sure I wasn't going too terribly far over the top, I put back two items before I left the store. It didn't save me any money, really. I added in a couple adult coloring books, so it balanced out. (Tipped the scales, actually.)

I clipped apart the flowers and cattails, and loosely set them in place. I scattered around the loose leaves, and wrapped ribbon around the whole things, before I ever opened the package on the glue gun. I got grapevine crumbs and glitter all over the floor and table. I made a colossal mess. But I think I got it relatively balanced, and only slightly over-decorated. I'm actually rather proud of it.

My neighbor was laughing at me for wanting to buy silk leaves to decorate with. He promised that if I could give him a day or two to rake, he could provide all the leaves I could ever want. I don't know how to preserve natural leaves in such a way to protect the pretty fall colors, so I declined his offer and bought the fake stuff. I think it came out just fine that way.

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