Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Zoe Monkey

Inspirational song: Baby Monkey, Riding On a Pig, Baby Monkey (Internet meme)

There has been a tragedy. I hate to report it, and I hate it more that it is true. Zoe had been missing since yesterday morning. The last I saw her, she zipped in through the front door when the guy was here to fix the internet, and apparently she just as quickly zipped out the back again. And then she was gone. We have been walking the streets, calling for her since yesterday afternoon. Just now, Mr S-P talked to a neighbor two doors down who gave us the crushing news. Right after I saw her last, she was hit by a car on our street. She's gone.

Things had finally settled into a good routine here. Zoe would go out in the mornings when the dogs had breakfast, and while I was here alone, I would tell her every time to come home safely. That was my only instruction, and I said it every day. She was always home by evening. She had a spot she liked to sleep in, on the day bed in my dressing room. She was actually starting to get along with Rabbit. Even better, she was finally loving up on me. We were happy.

We had been out of our minds with worry since yesterday night. We knew this time it felt different. The neighborhood just seemed quieter to me somehow. Zoe's daddy woke up at 5 this morning, and walked all over several blocks, looking for her. We went to the Humane Society and filled in a missing cat report. We decided as soon as we found her, we would finally get her microchipped. When we got back home tonight, the man went looking again, and this time he went knocking on doors to ask neighbors. That's when the news came. The neighbors described her, and said they called animal control. She was already gone when they did it.

I can't stand it. She was extra work, but she was worth it. She was unique, like no cat I've had before. I thought she was a survivor, considering her background. We are going to miss her like crazy. Goodbye, Zoe Monkey.


  1. So sorry for your loss. She appeared to be a very beautiful and special cat.

    1. Thank you, Seth. She was amazing. I wish you could have seen how thoroughly she loved G. He belonged to her and she knew it.
