Sunday, May 14, 2017

Earth Mother

Inspirational song: Tie Your Mother Down (Queen)

I did the most motherly thing I could think of to do for this mother's day. I planted seeds from which to feed my family. Okay, so mostly I stood in the sun in a tank top with no sunscreen (because I am foolish) and pointed out where the Mr should dig, and I handed him the seeds to drop into the ground. But we devoted a solid hour to doing it, and if a reasonable percentage of the seeds are viable (in my experience, that is a giant IF), then I should have some yummy vegetables in about 60 days. If my collection of last year's (and a few from 2015) seeds are all duds, I should know in about two weeks. We planted locally harvested seeds for cauliflower, broccoli, and red cabbage. There were organic varieties from national brands of cucumber, purple tomatillo, jalapeno, okra, and bell pepper. I had a mixed bag of green bean and green pea seeds of unknown provenance. We had multiple containers tucked away in various parts of the kitchen and pantry of squash seeds of all types from pumpkins and other squashes that we have eaten or carved into jackolanterns. We planted two types of corn: a few of the loose kernels from the corn we provide to the squirrels, and some from a corn cob our daughter brought out from California. We called this last one Corn of the Children. If our backyard turns into a scary horror movie, blame this action.

I spent hours in the passenger seat of my car, wondering why on earth I was so carsick today of all days. It's probable that the Mr's driving was no more erratic or jerky (in motion, not necessarily in reference to attitude) than usual. I just couldn't take it today. It felt like he was all over the road, stomping on the gas or slamming on the brakes, swerving all over the lanes. Part of the problem was that I kept trying to read Twitter or text messages with family members, so I had that reading-based car sickness. Part of it was that we took a route we hadn't driven in years, that was 95% hairpin turns up and down mountains. I tried to enjoy the views. Truly, Colorado was exceptionally beautiful today. I couldn't capture it for crap while I was shaking and unable to focus my own bad self from the passenger seat.

I did exactly what I decided last month that I would do for mother's day. I went up to the casino, and played at least the minimum number of points needed on my players club card to get a free plush bathrobe that was the "special gift." The casino was actually quite crowded in the middle of the day on mother's day Sunday. They ran out of the robes around 4 in the afternoon. Of course, we saw people who were collecting three of them at a time. It was all dependent on points, so I'm not suggesting that they did anything improper. By that token, I suggested that Mr X get one too. We do tend to wear robes every time we go out to the hot tub, so why not have a backup? Over dinner, I wondered aloud what size they might be. They were in boxes, and we didn't open them up to try them on in the casino. Mr X said that given the general trend for the population to grow larger in circumference over the last several decades, he didn't expect them to be size small or medium. I opened mine up when I got home, and I was actually quite surprised to find that I swam in it. I am not a petite woman anymore, and this thing was cavernous. The pockets crossed over each other when I wrapped it around me. Also, it's shorter than my other robes, by more than a foot. That's not a bad thing. It should do well for me as things heat up outside.

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