Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sell It

Inspirational song: Call Me (Blondie)

Day two of the open house was rather disappointing. I saw only seven pairs of feet through the door, just under half of my foot traffic from yesterday. The good news is that one man who was in yesterday brought his fiancee back today, and is working hard to convince her they need to make an offer. Let us all hope that he follows through with it! There were several people who made noises about offering, but as of mid-afternoon, none had presented anything concrete. There's still time. I must admit, after the feeding frenzies that I've had with most of my other open houses, this slower pace surprises me. I thought this town was bustling like all the others. We have some of the last "affordable" homes in the county (affordable being exceptionally relative), but I could barely get two dozen people to view a beautifully rehabbed home in two days? I don't know what to make of that.

I had several stretches of absolute silence at the house. Through most of the lulls I read Twitter or Facebook. More than anything I paced through the ground floor. Once I looked out the open door, and saw a black and white cat chilling on the front lawn. I quietly moved over to sit on the stairs, camera on, and waited to see what the cat would do. He alerted as soon as I moved into view, in a pose that looked like he wanted to run away. When I backed up and slowly sat down, he carefully inched closer to the door. He sat on the doormat and studied me for a few moments. I whispered a hello, and suggested that it was probably best if he didn't come inside, since it wasn't really my house. He agreed and after we sized each other up about two minutes, he went over to the neighbor's lawn. He was still there when I packed up the car. Poor guy looked like he lived rough. He was slightly cross-eyed, and he appeared to have an ill-fitting jaw, like he might have been hit by a car at some point in his life. (I once had a cat who survived a car incident, who had his jaw broken, sinus collapsed, and was blinded in one eye, but he lived years after the trauma and loved us dearly for saving him. This guy had that look.)

My most promising conversation with a human in these two days was with a neighbor who wasn't in the market to buy a house, but depending on job and family, he might be looking to sell. I got contact information, and we talked at length about life, the universe, and everything (mostly real estate). I hope that initial contact goes somewhere.

I unwound this evening by putting together several more flower pots. I still had a bunch of flowers left over from my shopping trip on Wednesday, and while the Mr returned something to a big box store today, I passed the time dumping clearance flowers into a shopping cart. I tried to make hanging baskets that would be lightweight enough to hang on the shepherd's crook up front, but once they were there, the whole thing started to teeter and sway. I gave up and suggested maybe we stop leaving the thing in the front yard if it can't support a single full basket. I'll be looking for a much more sturdy plant hanger, now that I have already put together the pots of flowers for it.

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