Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hippie Break

Inspirational song: Flowers and Beads (Iron Butterfly)

It was time to get down to the business of being the Park Ranger, to take a break from freaking out about politics, and to indulge my biggest weaknesses. I went out to brunch with my daughter, naturally to a spot where I could get a gluten free waffle, and while we lingered over coffee, it occurred to me how close we were to the really cool plant nursery. I begged. I cajoled. I convinced her to allow me to move the brunch party to a much more expensive establishment. Eventually she realized that I wasn't giving up and she caved in.

I still haven't purchased the white lilac from this store. I came close to buying one today. I just don't know where to place it on the property. Same story with the very tempting rose of Sharon. The only other RoS I ever planted was the one I put over Torden (the most popular cat who ever wandered through my life) when he died in Charleston. I'd love to get another one to plant in his memory. But it can get up to ten feet tall and six feet wide, the tag said. Where on this tiny piece of earth could I fit that?

I have been wanting to add more unique yard art to the property. There were things I wanted enough to buy at the nursery, but only two this time around. Better than that, there were things that gave me ideas. We scavenged a whole mess of gears (or something that appears to have been truck gears) from where they scattered on the side of a country road. I kept telling myself I'd maybe spraypaint them and turn them into wind chimes. After seeing some pretty trinkets at the nursery, I think I'm closer to a plan, and this time, it's going to involve beads. I have hundreds, maybe thousands, of glass beads just begging to be turned into repurposed art.

I bought a mixed flat of flowers, and breaking out of my usual pattern, I got close to half of them repotted already. I had two geraniums that needed some attention, one that I bought this spring, one that I've had for years, struggling to thrive in a coconut husk hanging basket liner. It's way too dry in Colorado to keep plants in coconut liners, and I'm not good enough about watering every day to make up for that. I bought a cheap plastic bowl to replant it into, in the hopes that it works better. I added a few small bedding plants to it, to add interest. I repotted the big new red geranium with a handful of little flowers around it as well. And I put a whole lot of mixed flowers in the gallon container that the red geranium came in. I have at least two containers' worth left to combine over the next few days. It's supposed to mix rain and snow over the next two days, so the planting might wait until my next available hippie peace freak day.

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