Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Sizing Up

(Night 7 of NaNoWriMo)

After directing Frederick to a seat across the room, Patricia sat and tried to pick back up the correspondence she had dropped when he came in the office. She reached out and tipped the bottom corner of her screen a little to the left, to make she he couldn't see the direct message window that she opened, waiting for the signal from Cindy. At first she glanced at him surreptitiously, but when she realized that he was completely oblivious to her regard, she studied him openly. He really wasn't a big man. If they were both barefoot, Cindy would easily have an inch on him, but since she always wore some sort of heel, anywhere from a kitten to a stiletto, she towered over him. She overshadowed him physically in other ways too, with her broad shoulders and muscular build. Cindy was still in athletic shape even though her college volleyball days were behind her. This man was thin, with hirsute, wiry arms and brown hair that curled too much at this overgrown length to be called straight but not enough to be considered attractive. He seemed entirely unaware of his own awkwardness, and he sighed or hummed after every sip of coffee. Patricia wished she could ignore him and get back to her work, but he was just so odd.

Cindy let Frederick sit about four minutes before she sent a message to Patricia to send him in. Her urge was to let him sit there for longer, but if he actually had any useful information for the board meeting this afternoon, it would be better to go ahead and glean it. She was standing when he came in, leaning back against her desk, with her arms crossed. Even leaning, she was taller than Frederick, and she knew it. She couldn't resist letting the right side of her mouth creep up in a smirk as he entered her office.

She waited until he was standing directly in front of her before standing up a little straighter to look down her nose at him. "Is the DNP-17 compilation complete?"

Frederick pushed past her and set his computer on top of her desk. "No, and I'm starting to see a pretty negative pattern emerging. I'm having some reservations."

Cindy's eyes widened like Frederick had suddenly grown three heads. "Reservations? This project is going forward. We don't have time for reservations."

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