Sunday, November 19, 2017


Inspirational song: I Want to Be Loved By You (Helen Kane)

I did almost nothing that I intended to do today. I was going to drive up to a mountain property to research for a client who wants to buy acreage in the middle of nowhere. I was going to practice making grain free cheese bread like they have at Brazilian steak houses, to see whether that's what I am taking for Thanksgiving with the in-laws. I was going to video chat with my daughter for her birthday, and compare relative sizes of kittens, since three of Harvey's siblings and his mama are still at the apartment, waiting for their forever homes to be ready to receive them (except Ziggy Stardust, who is staying in the family forever, much to our delight). Hell, I was going to shower and put on something other than PJs today. I did none of that. I slept late (after waking at 6 am, wondering whether my stomach hurt badly enough for immediate medical attention, but luckily another few hours of sleep cleared it up sufficiently). I sat around, with a sleep hangover, in stinky jammies, losing at fantasy football, and bouncing between a phone, a tablet, a laptop, and a crochet hook. Tomorrow I might flip out a little over how far behind I am. Tonight I am glad I blocked out all of my responsibilities and took life slowly.

I have the impulse to keep crocheting, but that was the mistake I made last night. I stayed up late after SNL, until I was nodding off with a hook in my hand. I shouldn't have done that, because every time I picked it back up to keep going on my fun project, I was instantly sleepy again, like I had trained my brain to fall asleep that way. Rabbit doesn't want me to do that tonight either. She sat on me the moment I crawled in bed, and every time my hand stopped scratching the back of her head, she reached out a paw, and patted my forearm, claws out just enough so that I was sure not to mistake her intent.

I regret that I skipped posting a photo last night. I was struggling trying to compose on the iPad, which doesn't like to embed photos properly. It was too much for me to go find the laptop to go about things the right way. Maybe I can make it up by posting the cutest picture I've taken of Harvey all week. (Yes, it's just Sunday night. There's time yet to top this one.) And then I will obey the Rabbit and put away the devices and the projects, and for once do what I'm supposed to do, when I'm supposed to be doing it.

(It's hard to see through the shadows, but all five are in this shot, from lightest to darkest.)

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