Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Too Much

Inspirational song: Echo Valley 2-6809 (The Partridge Family)

If I were narrating this blog on an audiofile, you might make the assumption that I spent the last few hours crying noisily at the loss of another piece of my early childhood. While yes, I am sad at the news that David Cassidy has died of the exact same circumstances as my friend who was like a little brother, just two weeks after we lost our friend, I can't blame my hoarse voice and snotty sinuses on sadness. I think I have my first bonafide head cold in years. I usually fight these off pretty quickly quickly, superhuman immune system and all. I hope this one doesn't last. I'm sneezing and snot-dripping and coughing and my face is flushed. I'm feeling dead sexy, let me tell you. This is spiffy.

I wish I could have taken the day off, but there was none of that to be had. The Rotary board meeting was at 7 am, the regular meeting at noon. I raced over to the condo after that, hoping that finally someone who toured it would rent it (we are still waiting for that decision--desperately wanting it to be rented and wrapped up). After hours of dealing with that, I only had moments at home before we were invited to bad movie night. I worried that my sneezing and coughing would interrupt the crowd's enjoyment of The Room, but it turns out the movie cries out for interruption. When they said Bad Movie Night, they weren't playing around. That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and I've seen Lisztomania more than once. It was two hours of my life I will never get back.

After too long of a day with too little energy, I have to pack it in at a reasonable bedtime, and hope that I can sleep. Too many things to hope for tomorrow--potential renters, the quick end of a head cold, and the search for a good gluten-free dinner roll recipe to take to Thanksgiving with the folks. Think happy thoughts.

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