Thursday, December 14, 2017

Neutral Position

Inspirational song: Mission Statement (Fish)

I'm trying not to think about it. I don't know what happens if they succeed in destroying net neutrality. The ruling has come down today, but immediately on its heels came the announcement that a long list of state attorney generals will sue to stop it. It is possible that as a small-time blogger, I all but disappear from the surface of the web. I don't sell anything, not even advertising. I have no revenue stream, no clout, no power. I am merely living out loud, one night at a time. If anyone will be in the internet slow lane, it's me.

I am so physically tired I can barely function. Today was the rotary holiday party (not the holiday ball fundraiser, but our social event for the club). I didn't do as much to plan this one as I have in months past. This time, beyond being the guy who sends out the emails reminding people to RSVP, I was a sounding board for the primary planner and her dilemmas. We have a party barn -- well, it's really a historic dairy barn that was moved to a large lot along Main Street. The owner is in our club, and she let us use her space for free. Our regular caterer made a special meal (which didn't cost us much extra since we are skipping our meeting on the 26th). We provided all sorts of drinks for everyone, including wine, beer, sodas, and waters. To that end, we needed bartenders, and I recruited a volunteer for that. One of our members has a rock band, and they provided entertainment. The plan came together, and it was a crush.

I had intended to cut out early, so we could get back in time for our weekly role playing game. Instead, right as I was looking for a convenient exit, the club secretary asked who was in charge of cleaning up. I had no idea what to tell him, and within a minute I accepted that it was going to have to be me. Half the crowd left as dinner ended and the band got up to play. That left about fifty people in the room, and I zipped around them gathering empty plastic cups, napkins, and a few plates that had brownie crumbs on them. I tried not to touch my face while I was handling wheat-based crumbs and I made significant progress cleaning up all by myself. Once the room was nearly empty of party people, those who remained joined me in folding and stacking chairs. I let other people pull the rest of the table dressings off, and roll away the tables. I did enough.

Now that I know how cool this old barn is, I am going to watch for more opportunities to go to events there. I don't know a reason to hold a party there myself, but I'd definitely be a guest at someone else's hootenanny.

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