Saturday, December 23, 2017

Now That's More Like It

Inspirational song: Mainstreet (Bob Seger)

The snow plow went up and down my street just now. We weren't supposed to get more than a dusting of snow, but while we were downtown doing the last minute shopping in the little local stores I promised to patronize, it went from completely clear to snowing like the Dickens. This helps. It helps a lot. This makes it really feel like Christmas could be Monday. The new snow is thick and it will be absolutely frigid through Thursday. It will stick around a while.

I spent most of the day on the art project that will be the wrapping for my handmade gifts. I desperately want to show off what I did, because I am intensely proud of it. But even a photograph now would be giving too much away. I'll keep it on tap for Monday night. The gifts themselves are simple creatures, but they come with hours of effort and love. I think that will be apparent.

Saturday is nearly over, but not for me. I have something I promised to have completed days ago that I am going to stay up late to finish. I hope I don't screw it up for being tired. I already made several mistakes the first time I set about doing it, which is why I'm late now. The dread of pulling apart what I made and fixing it, knowing that it's awkward and ungainly to do it right, has made me procrastinate.

I have two things left to purchase, one tomorrow and the other as soon as possible but maybe Tuesday. I found a surprise this evening that is perfect for someone who will be receiving it by mail. Not for the first time, I wish that all of the people on my list were in town. I hate going to the post office. I need to start remembering the little satellite one that's in my nearby hardware store. But even that one had a line that extended all the way to the front of the store from the back corner when I was in there last week needing a single stamp.

And though I want all of my family close so I don't have to drive far or brave the post office, I am glad that my daughter laid down the law weeks ago and told me not to hope for her to drive out this time around. I-70 is a mess tonight with the snow moving through. I would be a worse mess worrying about her and the dog stuck in that traffic. I'd much rather they had a safe holiday at their home.

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