Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Inspirational song: Mad World (Postmodern Jukebox featuring Puddles Pity Party and Haley Reinhart)

It's going on three hours now since I came into my room, waiting for inspiration to strike. Somewhere in the middle of the day I ran out of gas, and I never found any more to keep me going. Nothing happened to change the trajectory of my day. I just hit a wall and stopped moving. I was doing okay at first, but by the time Rotary was over, all I wanted to do was sit around and eat chocolate, and not much else. (Confession: I did stop by Ziggi's coffee to get one of their excellent gluten free chocolate donuts on the way home from Rotary. How many weeks in a row can I be expected to stare at a plateful of brownies and cookies in the middle of the tables, and know I can never touch one? I was weak, today, after about 120 weeks of this torture.)

It was a weird day. First thing this morning after dropping XS off for one of her last days of American high school, I came home and watered the flower beds. It looked like it was going to be a scorching hot day. It stayed that way through early afternoon when she wandered back to the aforementioned coffee shop to study for her trigonometry final. Then, without warning (meaning I didn't check the weather forecast), a massive storm rolled through. My kids all posted videos of the first wave of hail when it came through. There were subsequent ones, mixed in with the successive lines of strong storms. It was quite the weather event, knocking out my satellite TV feed and sending Alfred hiding in the basement. When I saw how flooded the back yard was, I was glad that my dogs were out of town, and not splashing around the puddles of mud. Murray is nice enough most of the time, but I swear that dog is literally not smart enough to come in out of the rain. At least Elsa likes to hide on her bed three quarters of the day. Just like her mommy.

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