Sunday, August 5, 2018

Back Again

Inspirational song: All By Myself (Eric Carmen)

If yesterday’s open house seemed slow at the time, it was a rocking party compared to today. I was very disappointed that I only had a few people come through, and one of them was up front about saying it was not the place for him. It really was a shame. This house was cute as a button. It was 20 years younger than yesterday’s, and about 2/3 the size. It has the potential to be a great home for a young family. One guy through today had elementary school age kids, so maybe he will reflect on the place and come back with an offer. An agent can hope, right?

The house had display cabinets full of the sort of brass statuettes they sell in all those shops I love going to in Boulder, where I always want to buy the place out, but usually just end up walking out with a couple of boxes of incense. I may have been lonely today, but at least I had pretty things to look at.

Very often at open houses (like almost every time), I end up getting someone show up at the last second, sometimes as I am locking the door or pulling my signs up. This time my last person left five minutes before the end, and I was relieved. I didn’t have to stay late for once. I was due to pick up Alfred from the vet at 2:15, and I made it there exactly on time. Early this morning, Alfred refused breakfast and was hissing under the bed. He had a recurrence of the urinary block from two weeks ago. Of course it happened on a Sunday, so back to the emergency vet he went, without delay. (Turns out we had a credit from last time we didn’t know about, and that made this trip much more affordable.) He didn’t have to stay as long, and he’s back on meds again after another catheterization. Maybe he has been watching those medical device ads on late night tv, and he wants me to sign up for home delivery like the pilot and the cowboy who cath. He was squirrely in the carrier on the way home, and his papa said, “of course he was. The last two times he went in the carrier, he had something shoved up his wee-wee.” Oh, Alfred. The dignity you bring to our lives.

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