Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Rock and Roll Kitten Birthday Party

Inspirational song: I Wanna Be Sedated (The Ramones)

Several times in the course of my life, I have needed rides home from day surgery or other procedures that required me to be heavily medicated. Only a handful of times have I been in the position to return the favor to family or friends. Today was one of those rare occasions. A good friend of mine needed dental surgery today, and it was distressing enough to her that not only did she need medication during the procedure, but she needed a little boost to get her there, sitting calmly in the chair when the big needle came zooming toward her gums. They provided her with something rather potent, and she was already pretty loose and happy by the time I picked her up. By the time her procedure was done, almost three hours and a second dose of the meds later, she had to be wheeled out of the office, and carefully set into my car. Her tranquil buzz had not worn off in the slightest. I have to admit, I'm sorta jealous. Whatever I am always given when I have my surgeries and scopes done wears off too soon, and when I ride home I'm already flinching and counting the seconds until I'm in my own bed, getting my first dose of Lortab (or whatever). Maybe my monster immune system just chews up the anaesthetic they give out, and nothing is strong enough to survive it. (I'm thinking specifically of how I needed a second, heavier round of numbing injections halfway through when my skin cancer was removed.) But there was my friend, blissfully nodding off in my car, waking up for fleeting seconds to mumble something incoherent about good dreams she was having (that had lasted less than three minutes in real life but were detailed and vivid in her drugged out haze). I'll bet it was fun. Much better than being aware of whatever they did to her mouth.

I was pretty stressed out about Jackie being sick yesterday. She seems somewhat improved today. She still isn't super active, but then, she is a seven year old morbidly obese cat. There isn't a whole lot of giddyup in that girl. She ate her breakfast today like she was starving, which is understandable after she refused dinner the night before. I did catch her sleeping on the top step of the basement stairs this evening, looking like she was still needing extra rest. Her ears were cool to the touch. Not sure whether it signifies. We are going to continue to monitor her, and take her in if she backslides.

Other cat news was even better. Today is the first birthday of the kittens my daughter rescued, the ones born in her apartment bathroom. This means that we got to celebrate Harvey's birthday here with a little turkey and salmon birthday cake (in the shape of a spoonful from the can), and he got extra attention. I should stress, he got extra positive attention, not like when he gets yelled at for jumping the fence into the alley or digging stuff out of the recycle bin.

And finally, strong storms blew in late this afternoon. When it started hailing, and I said, "Oh, let's throw a cover over my car!" Mr S-P ran out, and did the best he could. He snugged it up to the garage door, 80% covered by the overhang, while we waited to see whether the hail got bigger than the chickpea-sized piece he brought in when the storm started. We are getting closer to having the mountain cabin finished, which will mean getting the remainder of the lumber and steel out of the garage. I might actually get to park in the garage again by winter. Wouldn't that be nice?

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