Friday, March 22, 2019

Incremental Progress

Inspirational song: Brave (Marillion)

Bump has been gone almost one full year now. The neighborhood squirrels have figured out now that he isn't coming back. Murray just isn't as diligent about chasing them off, although once in a while he remembers to. The bravest little girl squirrel, who I have officially named "Merida" (after the Scottish Disney princess), came to the door for breakfast this morning. She couldn't give a hoot that Athena and Harvey were glaring daggers at her through the door, nor that they're prone to swatting through the tiny gap in the door when the Mr passes almonds out for her to eat. I woke to the sound of videos of her being sent to my phone. She stuck around long enough for me to stumble out to the dining room to say hello. Apparently this morning she got seven or eight almonds, which she carried out to the yard and buried, before she was cut off. She stood on the porch, peering through the glass with her hands clasped together, wondering why the supply of nuts stopped flowing. I really wonder whether she will approach us directly when we are outside without dogs during the warm season. Will that end badly?

Today was a big news day, just not necessarily at my local level. I spent all afternoon and evening in front of the television watching political coverage, to the exclusion of doing just about anything else. I'm in a wait-and-see pattern, so I don't have a whole lot to add to the discussion yet.

Insurance authorizations are in progress for my upcoming surgery. A woman called to straighten out the auth for the MRI next week, because somebody in the centralized scheduling office doesn't know how Tricare works. They were suggesting that I had no insurance, that I didn't show up in the system, whatever. I've been in this system for almost two and a half decades--as a sub-set of my husband's account. People who have never been a military dependent don't understand how this works. My information doesn't matter, only the sponsor's does. My SSN might as well not exist. I've gotten hundreds of dollars in bills from doctor's offices that tried to use it. There's a reason I double- and triple-check the insurance before I set foot in a medical building. It's more stressful to get all the details ready in advance than it is to lie in bed healing afterward. Although this one might be a pretty traumatic healing process, compared to the others where the parts that were cut out were not visible from the outside. I'm having a hard time staying brave about losing a big chunk of my left breast. That's going to be noticeable.

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