Saturday, March 2, 2019

Ball of Confusion

Inspirational song: Angel (Sarah McLachlan)

It was nice to break up the routine this evening. It has been far too long since our last mah jongg night. Too many of our usual suspects had plans for this evening, but a couple of the kids came over to play with me. It was the best night I've had at this game since we started playing it more than a year ago. I won three or four times, and they each won once. My foster daughter's suggestion was that I'd had just enough wine to remove my capacity to overthink, thus improving my play. She wasn't wrong. It didn't hurt that I'd been dealt the perfect hands to win with Idiots, Angels, and at least one Dragon Line-Up.

Leaning across the table to reach the ghost's wall was uncomfortable. The slightest pressure across my chest causes pain, but I have decided to take that as a good sign. Cancerous tumors don't necessarily hurt, but benign cysts frequently do. I googled images of ultrasounds of breast cysts, and they look exactly like what I saw last week: spherical, smooth, and black-fluid-filled. I'm about 85% certain this will turn out to be just a cyst. I'm still not looking forward to the biopsy-slash-aspiration, but if the needle ends up draining out the nastiness that is causing pain, then I will be happy to be on the far side of it.

After we tired of playing rounds of mah jongg, we sat and talked about things we would like to do, and things we would like to make. My foster daughter is as crafty as I am, and she is really good at some skills where I'm merely adequate, while I have experience in other pursuits that she is happy to learn. I've told her I want to put the giant inventory of craft supplies in my art room to good use, and make props and costumes to sell to cosplay folks. She and her husband are good for ideas for what genres would be popular and lucrative. They also suggested something that I'd never considered before, that sounds truly fun and awesome: starting a YouTube crafting channel, where we make some of our signature pieces with instructional voiceover. I'm generally camera shy, but this might be too tempting to pass up. If we go forward with it, expect me to advertise the heck out of it in this space.

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