Thursday, March 14, 2019

Just Peachy

Inspirational song: Ain't That Pretty At All (Warren Zevon)

So this day has gone pretty much straight in the crapper. How was your day?

Ever since I gave up wheat, I made far fewer pies than I once did. I used to be great at them. Crusts were pretty good, fillings were set properly more often than not, and they were as pretty as they were delicious. Now I'm out of practice. For Pi Day I tried a new crust recipe that used Greek yogurt and apple cider vinegar in it. It wasn't easy to shape. I ended up just slapping it together and throwing it in the oven. I wasn't trying to impress anyone. When the peach juice that overflowed onto the tray started to burn and smoke, the center of the top crust was still soft in the middle. Whatever. I ate it anyway. And while I waited for it to cool, I burned my finger pretty solidly on the skillet where I was frying okra. I swear I'm a better cook than this.

In the shower today, I removed the outer bandage from the biopsy, revealing the Steri-strips over the bruised flesh, pulling a giant dent into my breast. I have felt much more attractive in my day. This was not fun to look at. It still hurts a bit too. I can't get comfortable, no matter what position I'm in. Nothing to do but wait it out.

I got the phone call I was expecting this morning. The office manager from my primary care doctor's office called to ask me to come in Friday afternoon to discuss test results. I had said out loud, not an hour earlier, that it would be exactly this scenario, even getting the inflection of her voice correct. I didn't expect a quick "all looks good" call. I knew she would want to have me in, even if the news was good. So I suppose that there is still a chance they'll tell me it's benign and we can watch it for a while. Or even that it needs to come out but isn't malignant. That window for good news is getting smaller, though. This is why I didn't stick my head in the sand days ago. I am feeling like I am emotionally prepared for whatever I learn tomorrow. I'm not hoping for bad news, but I feel strong enough to face it if that's what I'm presented.

Well, at least that ugly peach pie tasted good, even if the crust was underdone and the filling was runny. Maybe I need just a little sliver more.

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