Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Missed Again

Inspirational song: Shelter from the Storm (Bob Dylan)

Theoretically, blizzards are more about the wind than the snow totals. So I suppose in that respect, it means that my part of the county was swept up in the big blizzard that swamped Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas today. Unfortunately for me, the weather reports weren't wrong when they carved out a notch from the storm warning maps for us. We are still striking out on the snowpocalypse that I keep craving. I think there was a lid over my house.

There was only rain when I woke this morning. The predictions were adjusted slightly, and as rain started to change to snow mid-morning, the potential for accumulation was increased for my town. It looked for a while like we really could get something. And then as the day wore on, they pushed it back down again. When I walked next door to watch basketball with the neighbor, it was a little breezy, with a little snow, but it was obvious the brunt of the storm was over. Snow didn't even get in over the top of the slippers I wore over there.

The whole state was shut down. Everywhere but here, it made sense. Everyone I know had their work canceled, classes canceled. The Mr didn't go in to teach today, and his college will be on a delay tomorrow. I'm frankly interested to see how many people can make it in tomorrow afternoon, as big a storm as this was everywhere else. I had sent him to the grocery store this morning (for milk, of all things -- how unoriginal am I??), and he said conditions weren't bad at all. He still sometimes does his side-hustle, and I am really glad he didn't try to go out and drive today. It would have taken no time at all for someone to ask him to drive to the airport or to south Denver, and he would have still been stuck on the road even now, at bedtime. That is, he would have been stuck in a drift if he wasn't stuck in a multi-car pileup. It's nasty out beyond our city limits.

We canceled our regular D&D game, because not everyone could drive into town. Instead those of us who are local gathered at my house and played mah jongg. It turns out that the medical professionals were not lying when they said I would want to take it easy after yesterday's biopsy. I smugly imagined I'd be milking it for attention, but wouldn't be in all that much pain. Leaning over a table to reach for mah jongg tiles caused a lot of jostling and chafing. It was quite unpleasant. How does that compare with what's to come? I can't imagine yet.

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