Sunday, September 8, 2019

Cool It

Inspirational song: In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins)

Can you feel it? If you live within a hundred miles of me, you probably do. There is a chill in the air, and it is glorious. I had to pull a fuzzy blanket up over my shoulders to be able to write tonight without shivering. I love it so much. It's always such a challenge to survive summer every year, notwithstanding the particular challenges of this one, and when we finally cross that barrier and the nights are reliably colder I get so ludicrously happy. I'm at that stage right now. We are making plans for earthy, spicy foods, for pumpkin carving (I have learned we have pumpkins in the garden already turning orange), and for spending football game days together with the gang. It couldn't be a better time for us.

We spent most of the day next door at T's, helping him tear apart his kitchen (that was the Mr, not me), and watching football over loads of food that had to be brought in (that part was me). While watching one particularly rough play, I made a comment about how much tougher than me these young players are. T laughed and said, "Can you imagine Anne taking a snap under center?" He may have been teasing, but what he said was totally right. Seriously, one hit and I'd be on the ground, crying, "Bring the stretcher!" T said I'd stop the trainers before they touched me, asking whether they had touched bread before they got to me. He's not wrong.

While T's kitchen is a gaping wound in his house--an empty room with walls and floor partially ripped out, trying to find the source of a years/decades old water leak--I promised him I'd provide meals several times a week, so he's not stuck solely with microwaved burritos and fast food burgers. I had never in my life made a risotto (not sure I've ever eaten one either), so I tried it tonight. It was labor intensive, but not that hard. The results were promising. I made it with zucchini, onion, and garlic that I'd sauteed first, and finished it with some Parmesan cheese. I'll be playing with flavor combinations as the cold weather settles in. I'm particularly looking forward to cooking with some of the aforementioned pumpkin, and maybe a Ras el Hanout seasoning. It might work, or it might not. It's worth a try.

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