Sunday, September 22, 2019

Missed Chance

Inspirational song: With or Without You (U2)

Building season up on the mountain is coming to a close. There are a few weeks left before the snows come, and it's looking less and less likely that I will get to go up to the cabin this year. I had hoped to make one trip, but now I've lost confidence that I'll be able to make the climb this year. It's a pity. The guys made great progress on the place without me, and I wanted to see it once. They built the deck, and it looks amazing in photos. The steel roof is done, and the steel siding is halfway there. It completely changes the whole vibe of the cabin. It's like looking at a different structure. They started on the inside, during bad weather days, putting up insulation and interior walls on a couple sides. I wish I could go up with them to see it before the snows arrive.

Instead, I'm just waiting for the waves of fatigue to come and go. They promised it would hit me "next week," and I thought when I started to feel off days ago that was it. I'm not sure whether I've really entered the worst of it yet, or was today's sudden energy drain the last bad day? It's so confusing, and there's no one who can tell me for certain how this will go. It's different for everyone. I was totally fine through the early football games, cheering loudly with my neighbor and his girlfriend. Then, once the Chiefs' game ended and we started eating a late lunch, I lost all of my will to keep pushing. I went home and crawled into bed. Mr S-P was up the mountain, working on siding all day, so T had to come over and help me feed the dogs. I was too tired to go up and down the stairs to take food to them. On days like this, I have trouble reconciling the fact that last year I was hiking up to the cabin twice a week, usually carrying a small amount of building materials.

If I try to go up in early October, would I be able to make it up the steep section? I want to believe it is possible. I'm not confident in the likelihood though.

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