Sunday, November 10, 2019


Inspirational song: Almost Paradise (Mike Reno)

It took until nearly one in the morning, but now I regret my choices. At least a little. Just a little. Okay, not really at all, but at this moment, it hurts even if I have no regrets. I shouldn't be awake this late. I should have stopped what I was doing hours ago, but I just couldn't.

For most of the day, I did the things I had promised. I listened to the game on KOA online, and did dishes and laundry to stop from overstressing until my team won a very close game. (Buffs actually won! There are so few times I can say that about football. Maybe I should plan on watching the basketball team instead for a better storyline.) When I sat and took breaks, I finished the brightly colored blanket I was making for my daughter. This crochet project was smaller than most of the ones I attempt, a narrower lap blanket, and it reached a desirable length much sooner than I'm used to. Out of the blue, my mom sent me a crochet pattern book yesterday (which just happened to contain a pattern for something she would love for Christmas). It came at just the right time. I have been working for the last three or four hours trying to figure out how to make a magic ring work with a chenille velvet yarn. (Hint: it's not as easy as one would think.) I had a giant sock toe made, and decided it was far too big for me. So I unraveled it, accidentally putting a knot in the end, and then struggling for an hour to restart a magic ring. I eventually gave up on it and faked it. I only just reached the same row right before I realized how late it was and started to write.

I resisted Netflix for decades. I was determined not to like it, for reasons that are really dumb. (It's a 20 year grudge against pop up ads. No, really.) When Stranger Things came out, I relaxed my lifetime ban of Netflix, and borrowed someone's login (like you do). Until now, I had managed not to binge too badly on anything. We watched a few episodes of Stranger Things at one go, but never more than about three at a time, and no other shows really caught us like that one. My record of never marathoning a series is now ruined. I just watched the entire first season of The Good Place. I let that one go past me years ago, only hearing later that it was something I'd probably like. I smiled and nodded long enough. Tonight I started watching, and I loved it. For the first time, I had to click through the "are you still watching this" messages. I feel like I've passed some sort of milestone, but I really don't know what it is. Maybe I'll figure that out tomorrow, if I move on to season two.

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